A Strengths-Based Approach to Performance Enhancement

A new study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology suggests a strengths-based approach could be helpful for those who lack confidence.

In a field experiment involving more than 80 educational professionals, the researchers found a strengths-based approach to performance had a direct effect on self-belief and an indirect effect on personal growth. The strength-based approach was particularly effective for people with low to medium levels of self-belief. The researchers suggest that strengths-based interventions may be an effective way for organizations looking to facilitate self-directed learning among employees, especially for those who lack confidence in their own abilities.

What kind of things have you found help people take responsibility for their own learning and development?

For those interested, here's the reference:

van Woerkom, M. & Meyers, M. C. (2019). Strengthening personal growth: The effects of a strengths intervention on personal growth initiative. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92(1), 98-121.

Link for study mentioned:
